Use these tips to set a new efficiency record on your bill as you cheer on Team USA!

Turn on the fan while being a fan. Use a fan to circulate cool air while you are watching your favorite event. Fans make rooms feel cooler and distribute air more evenly.

Sprint past your normal temperature setting. Experts say setting your air conditioning to 78 degrees or higher will keep your wallet cool with savings, but even a few degrees higher from your normal setting can help save money. Install a programmable or smart thermostat to automatically adjust your cooling settings when you are home or away.

Dive into water heating tips. The average household spends about $300 a year on water heating costs. Set your water heater thermostat at 120 degrees to save energy and money.

Keep your Olympic flame blue. Make sure the burner flame on your natural gas range burns blue. That blue flame means your stovetop is working efficiently.

Game, set, match. Match your pot size to a similar sized burner on your oven to serve up about $18 a year in savings with a gas stove and $36 a year with an electric range. It not only takes less time to heat, but also uses heat more efficiently.

Tumble your energy costs. Use a microwave or other small appliance to make your party food. Cooking small portions in the microwave can reduce the energy you use for cooking by as much as 80%!

Better yet…make the outdoors your cooking goal. Cooking outside and steering clear of ovens and appliances that heat up your home can help save on air conditioning costs.